Unraveling the Art of Learning with Andrew Pudewa

Andrew Pudewa is the founder and director of the Institute for Excellence in Writing and a father of seven. Traveling and speaking worldwide, he addresses teaching, writing, thinking, spelling, and music issues with clarity, insight, practical experience, and humor.

Although Andrew Pudewa is a graduate of the Talent Education Institute in Japan (Suzuki Method) and holds a Certificate of Child Brain Development, his best endorsement is from a young Alaskan
boy who called him “the funny man with the wonderful words.”

He and his wife, Robin, have homeschooled their seven children and are now proud grandparents of fifteen, making their home in northeastern Oklahoma’s beautiful green country.

Andrew Pudewa Unraveling the Art of Learning on the Homeschool Mama Self-Care podcast with Teresa Wiedrick, Homeschool Life Coach
Andrew Pudewa Unraveling the Art of Learning on the Homeschool Mama Self-Care podcast with Teresa Wiedrick, Homeschool Life Coach

What I’m trying to help people do is to get free of this compulsion to compare children with other people’s children based on their age.

In this episode, Andrew Pudewa & I discuss:

  • The origin story of the Pudewa family homeschool & the Institute for Excellence in Writing
  • Value of writing to form your thoughts & clarify your sense of self-expression and purpose.
  • The value of across the age and grade spectrum learning together.
  • Learn from a music teacher and compare children with themselves.
  • How to assess a child and help them learn from themselves.
  • Deschooling our unhelpful schooled mindsets & leaning into child-inspired learning.
  • A transcript shows that you did time, not that you learned something.
  • How to ask better questions so children can have a meaningful education.
  • The value of journaling and the introspective life.

Andrew Pudewa & I chat about how to harness a homeschool kid’s intrinsic motivation.

Finally, you can find Andrew Pudewa, his podcast, books, and resources at:

If all teachers were music teachers first, we wouldn’t do a lot of dysfunctional and disordered things that happens in most schools today.

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

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Call to Adventure by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3470-call-to-adventure
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/